Sunday, September 16, 2018

Counting- II

I’m a little late posting today- I had a busy weekend. We all struggle with time sometimes- moments when time is just not on our side. We get “out of sync,” cranky, and a little bit mixed up until we can regain our “rhythm” once again. As adults, this could be a struggle to accomplish all that we set out to do at work- as well as at home. As little ones, this could be our sleep cycle, our need for sustenance- and even those young minds have goals they’d like to accomplish, getting a little out of sorts when/if they run out of time. 

As busy people, this is our lot, but there are ways to cope with this for sure. I believe this begins with establishing natural rhythms- day/night, meal times, etc- and with experiencing music as a reflection of those rhythms. If we feel “out of sync,” a way to quickly get back “in sync,” is surely with music, a reflection of balanced time. 

This is kind of a philosophical way to start this blog about counting songs, but it really makes sense to me at times like this how much music can help us hold on to balance and stay anchored within time, instead of feeling set adrift in our more chaotic moments. Here are some simple counting songs you can try with your little one (shown as videos because that it probably the best way to learn them). What is interesting about the first two of these songs is that they also involve a bit of a problem- the birds and ducks go away, but then they come back- and all is right again. Who knows, maybe songs like this will be a foundation for your little one's future ability to regain order in their lives- as well as knowing how to count to 5?

2 Little Blackbirds-

5 Little Ducks-

5 Green and Speckled Frogs-

These are just three of these types of songs. There are many, many more- not all of which you can find online (as of now). Like I said last week, number/time songs are a big topic, and I will be writing more about them over the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

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