Sunday, January 6, 2019

"Little Bird, Go Through My Window"

In January, it can be difficult to summon the spirit to sing. The holidays are over, the weather is dreary, and people might not be feeling 100%. To liven things up a bit, I've focused on singing about birds of all things. Birdwatching in winter is one of my favorite things to do, and children can easily take part-  filling or even making bird feeders or houses. Birds like cardinals and blue jays are easy to spot, and it's exciting to see nature come alive when the birds accept the gifts of food and shelter that you offer them.

I use a song called "Little Bird." Watch it in full below. I discovered the way I do it is different (I learned it differently), than the traditional "Little Bird, Go Through My Window." I also pair this song with a singing game called "Go in and Out the Window." In it, children stand in a circle and hold hands, then lift their arms up to make an arch under which a child can weave in and out.

Whether you use the song as part of a winter music class, or for early language learning, try to pair it with some nature exploration as well. If you don't have the opportunity to make a bird house or feeder, and either bird watch or listen for bird songs, ask children to share their experience if they have done this before. If they haven't tried observing birds, perhaps you can spark an interest! Happy singing and bird watching!

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