Getting those kiddos to move and release that pent up energy can be beneficial in so many ways. It's recommended that kids get at least an hour of physical activity daily (CDC). This movement can prevent serious illness, increase children's ability to focus, and promote better moods. The department of Health and Human Services also released a new "Move Your Way" campaign that helps people incorporate daily tasks into part of their physical activity. (Special plug for my sister Francie who helped manage the promotion of this campaign). No matter how you decide to get your family moving, keep in mind all the benefits for the parenting or caregiving win!
I've been including more of my YouTube videos on my blog lately because I'd like to create context for them- explain a bit why you might want to check them out. My video this week is one you can move to. It's to that familiar tune from the song "Wild Thing," and hopefully it'll get everyone moving and releasing some of that wildness- in a way that hopefully won't make a huge mess or destroy your house. Your welcome!!
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